
Additive Manufacturing Research Group

AMRG Group

Dr Thanos Goulas PhD MSc BEng

Photo of Dr Thanos Goulas

Post-Doctoral Research Associate

Academic/Professional Background:

  • Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Manufacturing of 3D Metamaterials, 香港六合彩挂牌 University, UK.
  • PhD in Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, 香港六合彩挂牌 University, UK.
  • MSc in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering & Management, 香港六合彩挂牌 University, UK.
  • BEng in Mechanical Engineering, University of West Attica, Greece.


Thanos completed his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering in the University of West Attica. He then moved to the United Kingdom to study for a MSc and a PhD at the Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering within the Additive Manufacturing Research Group at 香港六合彩挂牌 University, under the supervision of Dr. Ross J. Friel, Dr. Daniel S. Engstrøm and Prof. Russell A. Harris. There he developed a keen interest in additive manufacturing and 3D printing for novel materials; his doctorate investigated the laser additive manufacture of extra-terrestrial materials.

Following the award of his PhD, he undertook post-doctoral research in 香港六合彩挂牌 University working with Dr. Daniel S. Engstrøm and Prof. Yiannis J.C. Vardaxoglou, on the SYMETA £5M grand challenge, developing novel additive manufacturing techniques for realising metamaterial structures for high-frequency electronics. Thanos’ research findings have been disseminated via internationally recognised peer reviewed journals, invited book chapters, conferences, UK national radio broadcasts and scientific press.

Research Interests:

  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Laser Additive Manufacturing (SLM,SLS)
  • Novel and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
  • Novel Materials, Metamaterials, Ceramics, Polymers and their Composites
  • Material Characterisation & Testing
  • Astronautics and Aerospace Engineering
  • Spare Resources
  • In-Space Additive Manufacturing
  • In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU)

Selected Publications  

  • A. Goulas, J.G.P. Binner, D.S. Engstrom, R.A. Harris, R.J. Friel. Mechanical behaviour of additively manufactured lunar regolith simulant components. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L: Journal of Materials Design & Applications (2018). .
  • A. Goulas, J.G.P. Binner, R.A. Harris, R.J. Friel, Assessing extraterrestrial regolith material simulants for in-situ resource utilization based 3D printing, Applied Materials Today 6. (2017) pp. 54-61. .
  • A. Goulas, D.S. Engstrom, R.J. Friel, R.A. Harris, Investigating the additive manufacture of extra-terrestrial materials, in: D. Bourell (Ed.), 2016 Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium  (SFF Symp. 2016), Austin, TX, 2016, pp. 2271-2281.
  • A. Goulas, R.J. Friel, Laser sintering of ceramic materials for aeronautical & astronautical applications, in: M. Brandt (Ed.), Laser Additive Manufacturing Materials Processes Design Applications, 1st ed., Woodhead Publishing (2016): pp. 373–398. 
  • A. Goulas, R.A. Harris, R.J. Friel, Additive manufacturing of physical assets by using ceramic multicomponent extra-terrestrial materials, Additive Manufacturing 10 (2016) pp. 36–42. .
  • A. Goulas, R.J. Friel, 3D printing with moondust, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 22(6) (2016) pp. 864–870. .