Planetary Feminisms: Decoloniality, Ecological Thinking, Creative Praxis

Transhemispheric Dialogues

17 March 2023



Roundtable IV 18.00 – 20.00 GMT

Jacqueline Bishop
Associate Professor, Liberal Studies, New York University, USA

Jacqueline Bishop teaches full time at New York University and is the author, most recently, of Patchwork: Essays & Interviews on Caribbean Visual Culture (Intellect Books, 2022). In addition to being a scholar, she is also a creative writer and visual artist and has had residences at la Maison Dora Maar, among others.

Jane Chin Davidson
Professor of Art History/Global Cultures, California State University, San Bernardino, USA

Jane Chin Davidson is an art historian/curator whose research focuses on transnationalism in relation to Chinese identity, feminism/ eco-feminism, performance/performativity, and global exhibitions of contemporary art. Her recent publications include the forthcoming Companion to Contemporary Art in a Global Framework (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023) co-edited with Amelia Jones, the monograph Staging Art and Chineseness: Politics of Trans/Nationalism and Global Expositions (University of Manchester Press) released in 2022 in paperback, and she is co-editor with Alpesh Kantilal Patel of the special journal issue ‘Okwui Enwezor, the Art of Curating (1963-2019)’ for NKA Journal of Contemporary African Art, Vol. 48 (May 2021).

Andrea Giunta
Principal Researcher, CONICET, National Research Council, Argentina, and Professor of Latin American and Contemporary Art, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Andrea Giunta is an art historian and curator specialized in Latin American and Contemporary Art, Among her books are The Political Body. Stories on Art, Feminism, and Emancipation in Latin American Art (UCPress, 2023); Rethinking Everything (delpire&co, 2021), Contra el canon. El arte contemporáneo en un mundo sin centro (Siglo XXI, 2020); Radical Women. Latin American Art, 1960-1985 (Prestel, 2017, with Cecilia Fajardo-Hill); Verboamérica (MALBA, 2016, with Agustín Pérez Rubio); When Does Contemporary Art Begin? (ArteBA, 2014); Escribir las imágenes (2011); Objetos mutantes (2010); Poscrisis (2009); El Guernica de Picasso:el poder de la representación (2009); Avant Garde, Internationalism and Politics. Argentine Art in the Sixties (2007, 1rst Spanish edition 2001), Curadora en Jefe de la Bienal 12, Mercosul, Porto Alegre, (2020).

Elizabeth Robles
Lecturer in Contemporary Art, University of Bristol, UK

Elizabeth Robles is a researcher and Lecturer in Contemporary Art in the History of Art Department at the University of Bristol. She is particularly interested in the formation of ideas around ‘black art’ across the twentieth century.

Pandora Syperek
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, 香港六合彩挂牌 University London, UK

Pandora Syperek is Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the Institute for Design Innovation, 香港六合彩挂牌 University London, and Visiting Fellow at the V&A Research Institute. She has published numerous book chapters and journal articles on the intersections of science, gender and the nonhuman within modern and contemporary cultures of display, and is co-editor of Oceans: Documents of Contemporary Art (Whitechapel Gallery/MIT Press, 2023) and a special issue of the Journal of Curatorial Studies on ‘Curating the Sea’ (2020).

Caroline Vercoe
Senior Lecturer, Department of Art History, University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

Caroline Vercoe (Samoa/Aoteaora New Zealand) teaches Global Art Histories and contemporary M膩ori and Pacific courses in Art History at the University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. She specialises in contemporary Pacific art and performance art, with a particular interest in issues of race, gender and representation, and has been teaching, curating and researching in these areas for over twenty five years.