Policy on Attendance and Engagement for students studying programmes with In-person attendance requirements


Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÒÅÆ University recognises the importance of student attendance and engagement for academic success. This policy on attendance and engagement is intended to support students undertaking programmes which have been designed to be delivered in-person.

The requirement for students to attend scheduled teaching sessions is set out under the Terms and Conditions of Study and the Students’ Charter. This policy recognises the University’s requirements to review student attendance and engagement for the following purposes:

  • To provide information to support academic progress monitoring and student success
  • As a mechanism to identify student wellbeing issues
  • To meet the University’s responsibility to accurately notify the Student Loans Company of student registrations for the purpose of administering Student Loans
  • To comply with the University’s obligations as a sponsor of Student Visas
  • To meet the University’s obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018 to maintain accurate data on Student Registration.

The University offers programmes of study at different levels, with distinct academic aims and student cohorts. Delivery methods and associated attendance and engagement policies are aligned to each type of programme. This policy therefore has four annexes as follows:

Annex A: Students on the Art & Design Foundation Studies programme

Annex B: Students undertaking Pre-sessional English programmes

Annex C: Students on Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught programmes

Annex D: Students undertaking Postgraduate Research programmes


Annex A: Policy on Attendance and Engagement for students on taught programmes (Further Education)

Scope of the policy

  1. This policy applies to all students on Art & Design Foundation Studies.

Background to the Policy

  1. Attendance, recording, participation and engagement policy and practical processes for Foundation students encompass guidelines and regulations from the UK government FE & post 16 sector, skills funding agency, awarding body UAL policies and dominant good practice in the sector.

All UAL Awarding Body qualifications are assigned a total qualification time (TQT) which is comprised of the following elements;

    1. The number of hours which an awarding organisation has assigned to a qualification for Guided learning (Guided learning Hours, GLH), and
    2. An estimate of the number of hours a learner will reasonably be likely to spend in preparation, study or any other form of participation in education or training, including assessment, which takes place as directed by – but not under the immediate guidance or supervision of – a lecturer, supervisor, tutor, invigilator or other appropriate provider of education or training.

Summary of the Policy

  1. Attendance for GLH is recorded and monitored across the whole academic year of study within the Foundation programme for the typical year structure/teaching/studio/assessment/exhibition periods as detailed in year structure document which indicates programme structure/weeks and their alignment with university calendar.


  1.  A physical register is completed for each group during each specific AM & PM sessions every studio day as indicated in “Foundation Studio Day Plan.”
    • Registration specifically takes place in all studios at 10 am and 1:30 pm at the commencement of each 2.5 hour session.
    • Each student name is clearly indicated and included on the register. Attendance is indicated by completion of registration against each name in the form of: A mark “/“ is indicated for attendance, with ”L“ also included to indicate late arrival to the A mark “o“ is indicated for absence from the session.
    • Tutors sign/initial the register for each session to indicate that they have had clear physical sight of student presence and attendance in the studio/taught space for the session and to confirm their teaching/guidance role for that session.

Definition of unsatisfactory attendance

  1. A student’s attendance will be considered unsatisfactory if they:
    • Are registered to attend in-person and have no recorded attendance at all scheduled in-person teaching sessions for a full week (Monday-Sunday) in which in-person sessions are scheduled,
    • Fall below 85% attendance in any 4-week period, or
    • Fall below 70% attendance for three consecutive months, or
    • Demonstrate a repeated pattern of absence that is flagged as a cause for concern, or
    • Fail to attend any sessions when a request for authorised absence has been declined, or
    • Persistently fail to obtain authorisation for absences, or
    • Fail to attend scheduled sessions when other concerns have been raised about their engagement.

Responsibilities of Students

  1. Students are required to participate in the University’s Attendance and Engagement review processes as set out in the .
  2. Where a student is unable to attend a scheduled teaching session, they are required to notify their School before the session, except where the circumstances of the absence mean they are unable to do so.
  3. Where a student misses a scheduled teaching session, without notifying their school before the session, they will be recorded as unauthorised absent.
  4. When a student has been advised their participation is unsatisfactory, as defined in this policy, they will be informed and will be required to improve their participation to a satisfactory level.

Consequences of unsatisfactory attendance and/or engagement

  1. A student’s participation will be reviewed on a weekly basis and the student will receive communications in accordance with the participation review procedure if their participation is unsatisfactory as defined in this policy. If a student’s participation is unsatisfactory for three consecutive weeks, the University will begin the process to terminate the student’s registration for failure to participate adequately in their programme, as described in Regulation IX.

Participation review procedure

  1. The following sections set out the procedure for implementing the participation review procedure for students on Art & Design Foundation Studies.
    1. The University will record attendance and engagement data for students on Art & Design Foundation Studies across the different types of scheduled teaching sessions.
    2. When a student’s participation is unsatisfactory as defined by the policy:
      • After the first week they receive a “wellbeing” communication informing them that their absence has been noted and providing information of support services available to them.
      • After two weeks of consecutive unsatisfactory participation they will receive a communication informing them that their participation is unsatisfactory and requiring them to attend their classes.
      • After three weeks of consecutive unsatisfactory participation they will receive a telephone call and required to attend a meeting with the School to discuss their participation and engagement. If they do not answer the telephone call and are on campus the School will arrange for a welfare visit to the student’s halls.
      • Where the student answers the call and indicates they do not wish to continue studying they will be sent a withdrawal form
      • After a further week, if the student has not returned the withdrawal form and has not re-engaged with their studies, the University will begin the process to terminate their studies on the grounds of failure to participate.
    3. The communications above will be considered carefully in light of any disability or long term health issues the student is known to have and will be amended should a student communicate details of their circumstances which mean the standard procedure is not appropriate.
    4. Where a student does not attend the meeting with their School to discuss their participation, the School will issue a formal warning and commence the process to terminate the registration of the student for failure to participate adequately in their programme, as described in .
    5. Where a student has their registration terminated, and the University is sponsoring their Tier 4/Student Visa, the University will cease sponsorship immediately and will notify the Home Office.

Annex B: Policy on Attendance and Engagement for students on taught programmes (Pre-Sessional)

Scope of the policy

  1. This policy applies to all students registered with the University on Pre-sessional programmes.


  1. Attendance: attending scheduled teaching sessions and assessments.
  2. Engagement: actively preparing for and participating in teaching sessions, study and related opportunities including timely submission of assignments. Arriving punctually for teaching

Background to the Policy

  1. For most students, full attendance of a Pre-sessional Programme is required in order to meet the conditions of their academic offer. Failure to attend can also indicate that a student’s wellbeing is at risk and the University may need to intervene to fulfil its duty of care.
  2. The requirement for students to attend scheduled teaching sessions is set out under the Terms and Conditions of Study and the Students’ Charter.
  3. The University has the authority to terminate the registration of a student who fails to participate adequately in their Pre-sessional Programme if it is deemed that they have not engaged sufficiently to meet the conditions of their academic offer.

Summary of the Policy

  1. We will record attendance of all scheduled teaching sessions and assessments and we will monitor student engagement throughout the Pre-sessional Programmes. Continuing unsatisfactory attendance or engagement may result in the termination of studies and/or the student being unable to progress to their degree programme.


  1. Attendance of scheduled teaching sessions will be monitored. Where the student has not reached 85% attendance in any 4-week period, the University will review the reason for the student’s absence by following the process as outlined below.

Scheduled teaching sessions may include the following:

  • Attendance at seminars and other group learning activities
  • Attendance at class tests, examinations and other assessments
  • Scheduled tutorials or meetings with a tutor or other member of staff
  1. Attendance will be recorded using appropriate University systems.

Definition of unsatisfactory attendance

  1. A student’s attendance will be considered unsatisfactory if they:
  • Fall below 85% attendance in any 4-week period, or
  • Fall below 70% attendance for three consecutive months, or
  • Demonstrate a repeated pattern of absence that is flagged as a cause for concern, or
  • Fail to attend any sessions when a request for authorised absence has been declined, or
  • Persistently fail to obtain authorisation for absences, or
  • Fail to attend scheduled sessions when other concerns have been raised about their engagement.


  1. Engagement will be monitored throughout the programme alongside student attendance.

Definition of unsatisfactory engagement

  1. Unsatisfactory engagement may be manifested by (but is not limited to) a failure to:
  • arrive to sessions prepared and on time
  • participate in classes appropriately
  • complete assignments or assessments on time
  • cooperate with a tutor’s instructions
  • work appropriately with other students in the group

Responsibilities of Students

  1. Students are required to participate in the University’s Attendance and Engagement Monitoring processes as set out in the Terms and Conditions of Study.
  2. Where a student is unable to attend a scheduled teaching session, they are required to notify their tutor AND psattendance@lboro.ac.uk before the session, except where the circumstances of the absence mean they are unable to do so.
  3. Where a student misses a scheduled teaching session, without notifying their tutor or psattendance@lboro.ac.uk before the session, their absence will usually be recorded as unauthorised.
  4. When a student has been advised their attendance is unsatisfactory, as defined in this policy, they will be required to improve their attendance to a satisfactory level.
  5. Students are required to engage fully with the programme as outlined in the definition in this policy.

Consequences of unsatisfactory attendance and/or engagement

  1. If students are deemed to be not attending and/or engaging appropriately with the Pre-sessional Programme, this will be addressed in accordance with a standardised, 5-stage procedure.
  2. The procedure is as follows:
Stage Process
1st stage Tutor reports to relevant Pre-sessional Team Leader (or nominee) and meets with student.  Welfare issues checked and expectations clarified.  Meeting attendance and summary reported by Tutor and recorded in central log by Pre-sessional Team Leader (or nominee).
2nd stage Relevant Pre-sessional Team Leader meets with student.  Welfare issues checked, expectations clarified and informal warning issued. Meeting summary and expectations emailed to student and recorded in central log by Pre-sessional Team Leader

Where the student has not reached 85% attendance in any 4-week period, the Pre-sessional Team Leader will meet with the student to review the reason for the absence. The student’s record will be annotated with the reason for the non-attendance and appropriate action will be taken to improve the student’s attendance.*

3rd stage Senior EAP Tutor / Pre-sessional Coordinator (or nominee) meets with student.  Welfare issues checked, expectations clarified and formal warning issued.  Meeting summary, expectations and formal warning emailed to student and recorded in central log by Senior EAP Tutor / Pre-sessional Coordinator (or nominee).
4th stage ALSS Manager (or nominee) meets with student. Welfare issues and student’s understanding of possible implications of non-engagement will be checked. Meeting summary and final warning e-mailed to student and recorded in the central log by ALSS Manager (or nominee)
5th stage A panel will be convened to consider whether the student’s studies should be terminated due to lack of engagement. Panel members will include the relevant Admissions Manager (or nominee), Senior EAP Tutor / Pre-sessional Coordinator (or nominee) and ALSS Manager (or nominee). Student will be notified of the panel’s decision in writing by the relevant Admissions Manager.

* Where a student’s attendance falls below 70% for three consecutive months, the University will withdraw sponsorship unless there are exceptional and evidenced reasons for the non-attendance (e.g. illness). These will be noted on the student’s record.

  1. The attendance and engagement procedure may be implemented at any stage if serious and/or multiple concerns are identified.

Annex C: Policy on Attendance and Engagement for students on taught programmes (Undergraduate and Postgraduate)

Scope of the Policy

  1. This policy covers all full-time students registered on undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes whether studying for credit or as a visiting or exchange student.


  1. Student participation is defined in terms of attendance and engagement with their studies
    1. Attendance: The activity of physically attending scheduled in-person teaching
    2. Engagement: The activity of engaging in teaching sessions, study and related opportunities to achieve the individual’s full potential, both in-person and online.

Background to the Policy

  1. To operate effectively, the University needs to ensure a student’s record accurately reflects the status of their studies. The institution also has a number of statutory reporting responsibilities which rely on accurate student records (e.g. Student Loans Company and other financial sponsors, Office for Students, HE Statistics Agency etc.). The University is required to monitor attendance for all students sponsored to enter the UK on a Tier 4/Student Visa. Failure to participate can also indicate that a student’s wellbeing is at risk and the University may need to intervene to fulfil its duty of care.
  2. The requirement for students to attend scheduled teaching sessions is set out under the and the .
  3. The University has the authority to terminate the registration of a student who fails to engage in their studies participate or adequately in their programme of study, under University Regulation IX.

Summary of the Policy

  1. The University will record student participation as defined above. If a student’s participation is unsatisfactory, as defined in this policy, the student will be informed. Continuing unsatisfactory participation will usually result in the implementation of the Termination of Studies for Failure to Participate process or, in some circumstances, the student may be placed on leave of absence and/or the Fitness to Study procedure initiated.
  2. This policy concerns the University’s minimum requirements for satisfactory participation. Schools may also contact students if their participation is causing concern in the judgement of the School.

Measures of student attendance

  1. Attendance at scheduled teaching sessions will be recorded. Scheduled teaching sessions may include the following:
    • Lectures
    • Group learning activities such as seminars, tutorials, practical laboratory or studio based sessions
    • Class tests and examinations
    • Scheduled in-person meetings with a Personal Academic Tutor
    • Scheduled in-person meetings with a Dissertation Supervisor
  2. The University may provide additional tools to support students to achieve in their studies, such as Learn and ReVIEW. Use of these systems is usually complementary to scheduled teaching sessions as defined in this policy. Where in-person teaching sessions are scheduled, the use of these tools is not a substitute for attendance and their use is not considered to represent attendance for the purposes of this policy.
  3. Attendance will be recorded using appropriate University-level systems.

Measures of student engagement

  1. Student engagement with their academic studies will be recorded. Academic engagement may include the following:
    • Interaction with activities within Learn
    • Submission of Assessments
    • Engaging with recorded content on ReVIEW
    • Scheduled online meetings with a Personal Academic Tutor
    • Scheduled online meetings with a Dissertation Supervisor

Responsibilities of Students

  1. Students are required to participate in the University’s Attendance and Engagement review processes as set out in the .
  2. Where a student is unable to attend a scheduled teaching session, they are required to notify their School before the session, except where the circumstances of the absence mean they are unable to do so.
  3. Where a student misses a scheduled teaching session, without notifying their school before the session, they will be recorded as unauthorised absent.
  4. When a student has been advised their participation is unsatisfactory they will be informed and will be required to improve their participation to a satisfactory level.

    Students undertaking a Master’s project or dissertation 

    1. Every student undertaking a Master’s (postgraduate taught) project or dissertation is required to have a meeting with an academic member of staff at least once a month during their independent study. These meetings should normally be in person but may be undertaken via MS Teams by mutual agreement.
    2. All monthly project or dissertation supervisory meetings should be recorded in Co-Tutor in the same way as meetings with students taking research degrees.

    Students on Placements or Exchanges

    1. When a student is undertaking a professional training placement for a period of not less than 45 weeks, as detailed in , their attendance will be monitored by their employer. In addition, they will receive a minimum of three meetings from a University supervisor over the duration of their placement.
    2. When a student is studying at a different institution on an exchange programme, they are expected to comply with their host institution’s attendance policy. The student’s home School will also hold and document a minimum of two contact points per semester. The first contact may be an email conversation or online meeting, primarily focusing on wellbeing and normally undertaken by an administrator.  The second contact point will be an online meeting, conducted by the designated Exchange Supervisor, Personal Academic Tutor, or another appropriate School colleague.  The student must also submit an academic transcript/certificate of attendance at the end of each semester.. The student must notify the University immediately if they decide to leave their host institution.

    Expectations and Exemptions for Student Participation

    1. All students are required to attend their teaching sessions during each week for which they have scheduled in-person teaching, unless they are registered to study on a programme which is designed to be delivered by Distance Learning.
    2. Where students have no scheduled in-person teaching sessions they are required to engage with their studies online during each week for which they have scheduled teaching.
    3. Students will either be deemed to be attending in-person or engaging remotely for each week in which they have scheduled teaching sessions.

      Definition of unsatisfactory participation

      1. A student’s participation will initially be considered unsatisfactory if they:
        • Are registered to attend in-person and have no recorded engagement for a full week (Monday-Sunday) in which in-person sessions are scheduled, or
        • Are registered to attend in-person and have no recorded attendance at all scheduled in-person teaching sessions for two consecutive weeks (Monday-Sunday) in which in-person sessions are scheduled, or
        • Are registered to engage remotely and have no recorded engagement for a full week (Monday-Sunday) in which sessions are scheduled, or
        • Have low average attendance at scheduled in-person teaching sessions, or
        • Are undertaking a postgraduate project or dissertation and do not attend their monthly supervision session, or
        • Are undertaking a placement/exchange and do not meet the attendance requirements of their employer or host institution, or are unavailable to receive a meeting from their University supervisor.

      Consequences of unsatisfactory participation

      1. A student’s participation will be reviewed on a weekly basis and the student will receive communications in accordance with the participation review procedure (attached) if their participation does not meet the requirements detailed in this policy. If a student has no recorded attendance or engagement for two consecutive weeks, or their participation is unsatisfactory for three consecutive weeks, where teaching sessions have been scheduled, the University will begin the process to terminate the student’s registration for failure to participate adequately in their programme, as described in Regulation IX.
      2. Where a student has no recorded attendance at in-person teaching sessions for any five weeks where in-person teaching sessions have been scheduled, in a single semester, but engages remotely, continued registration on the programme is only permitted with the approval of the Academic Registrar or their nominee.


      1. A student has the right to appeal against the termination of studies for failure to participate under the provisions of .

      Definition of concerning participation

      1. The level of participation a School expects a student to achieve is determined by the School and will be communicated to their students at the start of the academic year. Student Engagement analytics, including individual student average recorded attendance, collected for the purpose of reviewing student participation, will be available to Schools to support activities to maximise student participation. 

      Participation review procedure

      The following sections set out the procedure for implementing the participation review procedure for students on taught programmes and modules.

      1. The University will record attendance and engagement data for students on taught programmes and modules across the different types of scheduled teaching sessions
      2. When a student’s participation is unsatisfactory as defined by this policy:
        • After the first week of no attendance and no engagement, they receive a “wellbeing” communication informing them that their absence has been noted and providing information of support services available to them.
        • After two weeks of consecutive unsatisfactory participation they will receive a communication informing them that their participation is unsatisfactory and requiring them to attend their classes.
        • After two weeks of no attendance and no engagement, they will receive a communication requiring them to meet a nominated member of staff within their School to discuss their participation. The meeting will take place within 5 working days of the communication.
        • After three weeks of consecutive unsatisfactory participation they will receive a communication requiring them to meet their a nominated member of staff within their School to discuss their participation. The meeting will take place within 5 working days of the communication.
      3. The communications above will be considered carefully in light of any disability or long term health issues the student is known to have and will be amended should a student communicate details of their circumstances which mean the standard procedure is not appropriate.
      4. Where a student does not attend the meeting with their School to discuss their participation, the School will issue a formal warning and commence the process to terminate the registration of the student for failure to participate adequately in their programme, as described in .
      5. Where a student has their registration terminated, and the University is sponsoring their Tier 4/Student Visa, the University will cease sponsorship and will notify the Home Office.

      Annex D: Policy on Attendance and Engagement for students on Full Time Research Programmes

      Scope of the Policy

      1. This policy covers all full-time students registered on research degree programmes whether studying for an award or as a visiting or exchange student.


      1. Attendance: The activity of physically attending scheduled academic sessions at the University or at another approved location for the purpose of pursuing their research programme including attending monthly supervisory meetings, using University library, laboratory, design, IT or other facilities, undertaking training and development activities.
      2. Engagement: The activity of engaging in academic sessions, study and related opportunities making good progress on the programme to achieve the individual’s full potential.

      Background to the Policy

      1. The requirement for research students to attend the University in connection with their programmes is set out in Section 3 of the Code of Practice on Research Degree Programmes which requires a minimum of monthly supervisory meetings for all full-time students.
      2. The University has the authority to terminate the registration of a student who fails to participate adequately in their programme of study under University Regulation IX.
      3. To operate effectively, the University needs to ensure a student’s record accurately reflects the status of their studies and it also has a number of statutory reporting responsibilities which rely on accurate student records (e.g. financial sponsors, Office for Students, HE Statistics Agency etc.). The University is required to monitor attendance for all students sponsored to enter the UK on a Tier 4/Student Visa. Failure to attend can also indicate that a student’s wellbeing is at risk and the University may need to intervene to fulfil its duty of care.

      Summary of the Policy

      1. The University will record attendance as defined in this policy and in particular, monthly supervisory meetings will be recorded in the University’s Co-Tutor Where the student’s programme includes other attendance requirements, these will also be monitored. If a student’s attendance is unsatisfactory, for example, they fail to attend an expected monthly meeting, the student will be informed. Continuing unsatisfactory attendance will usually result in the implementation of the Termination of Studies for Failure to Participate process or, in some circumstances, the student may be placed on leave of absence and/or the Fitness to Study procedure initiated.
      2. Students receiving immigration sponsorship under the Tier 4/Student Visa scheme are required to attend monthly meetings on campus with their supervisor as a condition of their sponsorship. This includes any extension periods (after fee-paying registration has ended) and during the examination of their thesis, if they remain in the UK. The requirement for monthly meetings will only be relaxed where the student is away from campus for the purpose of research activity, or authorised annual leave or sick leave as defined below.
      3. This policy concerns the University’s minimum requirements for satisfactory attendance. Schools/Centres for Doctoral Training may also contact students under this policy if they are failing to meet the attendance requirements or their specific programme or their engagement is causing concern in the judgement of the School/Centre for Doctoral Training.

      Responsibilities of Students

      1. Students are required to participate in the University’s attendance and engagement Monitoring processes as set out in the and the . The minimum attendance requirement is one meeting per month with the supervisory team which will be recorded in Co-Tutor.
      2. Where a student is unable to attend a scheduled monthly meeting or other academic session, they are required to notify their School before the session, except where the circumstances of the absence mean they are unable to do so (e.g. ill health). Students receiving Tier 4/Student Visa sponsorship must inform their School if they are leaving the UK for research purposes or annual leave.
      3. Where a student misses a scheduled monthly meeting or academic session, without notifying their School before the session, or fails to agree arrangements for a monthly meeting in a timely way without good reason, their absence will be recorded in Co-Tutor as unauthorised.
      4. When a student has been advised their attendance is unsatisfactory they will be informed and will be required to improve their attendance to a satisfactory level.

      Students undertaking research at a location other than the University

      1. It is recognised that as part of their studies a research student may conduct research at a location other than the University including for the purposes of fieldwork, use of libraries or equipment or periods spent in partner organisations. In such circumstances, the supervisor shall maintain recorded contact with the student by electronic means on at least one occasion per month or more frequently depending on the location of research and the nature of the research activity. More frequent contact may be necessary if the student is undertaking research overseas to ensure the student’s wellbeing.

        Where a student is studying at a different academic institution for the purposes of a joint or collaborative award or an exchange, attendance should be monitored by their LU and local supervisory team. The student must notify the University immediately if they decide to cease attending their host organisation.

      Definition of unsatisfactory attendance

      1. A student’s attendance will initially be considered unsatisfactory if they:
        • Do not attend their monthly supervision session without explanation, and/or
        • Do not attend other academic sessions for their programme at the level required by their School/Centre for Doctoral Training, and/or
        • Are undertaking research at another location and do not meet the attendance requirements of the host institution, and do not maintain contact with their supervisory team, and/or
        • Do not return from annual leave / field trip / conference on the agreed date.

      Consequences of unsatisfactory attendance

      1. A student’s attendance will be reviewed on a monthly basis or more frequently if there is a cause for concern and the student will receive communications in accordance with the Attendance Monitoring procedure (attached) if their attendance does not improve. If a student’s attendance is unsatisfactory for 6 weeks the University will consider commencement of the process to terminate the student for failure to participate adequately in their programme, as described in Regulation IX.


      1. A student has the right to appeal against the termination of studies for failure to participate under the provisions of Regulation IX.

      Attendance Monitoring Procedure

      The following sections set out the procedure for implementing the Attendance Procedure for students on research degree programmes.

      1. The University will record students’ attendance at the monthly meeting between the supervisory team and the student on research degree programmes on Co-Tutor.
        • Minutes of these meetings will normally be written by the student, checked by the supervisor and uploaded by the supervisor to Co-Tutor using the relevant facility on Co-Tutor.
        • The presence of the minutes of meetings on Co-Tutor will be monitored at monthly intervals by School support staff.
        • Staff in the Doctoral College Office (DCO) will have access to Co-Tutor and will monitor records at regular intervals.
      2. Where a monthly meeting has been missed or a supervisor raises a concern about attendance the process at Appendix A will be followed.
      3. The processes above will be considered carefully in light of any disability or long term health issues the student is known to have and will be amended should a student communicate details of their circumstances which mean the standard procedure is not appropriate.
      4. Where a student has their registration terminated and the University is providing immigration sponsorship under Tier 4, the University will cease sponsorship immediately and will notify the Home Office.
      5. The attendance requirements for research students in different statuses are as follows:


      Status Monitoring requirement
      Active (fee-paying registration on Parts R0 to R3) In attendance, monitored via monthly meetings
      R2 (MPhil) or R3 Extension Regular contact should continue and be recorded for all students to support prompt submission of the thesis. If in the UK on a Tier 4/Student Visa full-time attendance, monitoring via monthly meetings is required.
      R2 (MPhil) or R3 Late submission As for initial extension. Student may need to apply for a new visa if they wish to remain in the UK.
      Thesis submitted Support should be offered to prepare for the viva. If in the UK and on a Tier 4/Student Visa, monitored via monthly meetings.
      Insist on corrections Regular contact should continue and be recorded for all students to support prompt completion of the corrections. If sponsored under Tier 4/Student Visa the student is required to be in full time attendance and monitored via monthly recorded meetings. If a visa extension is required during this time it will be allowed for a maximum of three months which should enable a student working full-time to complete their corrections. If the student is not working full-time on corrections they should either return home to complete their studies or switch to a different immigration category.
      NB. A period of 6 months in total is allowed for corrections.
      Referred research thesis Regular contact should continue and be recorded for all students to support prompt resubmission of the thesis. If sponsored under Tier 4/Student Visa the student is required to be in full-time attendance and monitored via monthly meetings. If the student is not working full- time on the referred thesis they should either return home to complete their studies or switch to a different immigration category.
      Waiting for uploaded thesis copy At this point the DCO will report to the Home Office the University is no longer sponsoring the student under Tier 4/Student Visa.
      Appendix A - Process when there are concerns over a doctoral researcher's attendance or engagement.